
Euro-BioImaging offers training of the highest quality, as we have Europe’s best imaging experts under the roof of our Nodes. We coordinate and support several levels of training: general, specific and advanced. We focus on both current and future users (masters and PhD students, post-graduates, senior scientists, technicians) as well as on the staff of imaging facilities across Europe. We offer numerous courses that for instance teach you how to use various imaging technologies or analyze and process your results. When you visit a Node, we also offer hands-on training to the imaging technologies, to make sure your experiments are successful.

Because of the ongoing emergency related to the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the courses listed below may be cancelled or postponed. We recommend you to get in touch directly with the organisers to verify the status of each training event.

If you have any questions or wish to include a course on this list, contact

Current portfolio of training courses and resources