
We are delighted to introduce a new training pillar within the framework of EVOLVE, our Mentoring Program!

Euro-BioImaging’s Mentoring Program will strengthen our Node Community by forging relationships with members from other Nodes (Cross-Node), with other international imaging communities and industry. 

These mentoring relationships aim to benefit both mentors and mentees and support skill building, career development and daily operations. 

Why Choose a Mentoring Program?

Think about it: folks in imaging facilities usually work closely in small teams and sometimes even by themselves, which means they might miss out on different viewpoints, expertise in different areas, and career perspectives. While having a direct supervisor is important, sometimes you need advice from outside your usual crew – maybe someone with different skills or a fresh outlook. By fostering peer-to-peer support, Euro-BioImaging’s Mentoring Program aims to fill this gap.

How does it work?

Mentoring pairs are carefully matched based on their relevant skills and experience, as well as the specific areas of professional development that mentees have highlighted as important. They are encouraged to meet at least once a month for a six-month period, during which they establish concrete goals to strive towards. These relationships can be short-term, focused on achieving specific objectives, or they can pave the way to longer-term collaborations, including the participation in our Job Shadowing Program.

Who can be your mentor?

Members from the:

  • Euro-BioImaging Nodes
  • Global Imaging Communities
  • Euro-BioImaging Industry Board and Industry partners

Potential Areas of Mentoring

  • Career Development
  • User service support
  • Data Management 
  • Soft Skill Development (leadership, negotiation, conflict resolution, team building)
  • Business Strategy and Planning
  • Technical advice 
  • Guidance on Green Sustainable Practices
  • and more…

How to apply?

First track: 

The initial pairing round begins in July 2024. Both mentors and mentees need to fill out the form by July 31, 2024. We'll assess applications and reach out in September 2024 with your proposed match. Euro-BioImaging’s training team will support pairs for a set duration. We'll gather feedback through brief surveys at three and six months to evaluate the program's success and improve future implementations. A kick-off event will orient paired mentors and mentees to the program's guidelines and objectives.

Second track:

Follow up from participants of Job Shadowing Program (e.g. as part of their knowledge dissemination plan)

If you have any questions, please write to:

The Mentoring initiative is made possible
through EU funding as part of the EVOLVE project